Creative Libraries Utah is almost two years old, and we need your help! These last two years we have had over 16,000 site visits and almost 3,000 podcast downloads. We have tried to highlight great library programs and ideas, while also articulating our own experiences as librarians. Submissions have ebbed and flowed, but we are still willing to publish and promote materials from any librarian or library that will help others.
Now here comes the kicker in KICKSTARTER: we need to raise a small amount of money to help pay for website and podcast hosting. We as editors contribute a significant amount of time as we craft articles, record podcasts, and format submissions. We will also be donating to the cause, but we sincerely hope that you will visit KICKSTARTER and donate as well.
We now have seven editors that will continue to illuminate great ideas and support great work from throughout the library world. Please support us as we give of our time to support creativity and collaboration through Creative Libraries Utah.
Jessica Breiman, Rebekah Cummings, Tegan Davis, Dustin Fife, Adriana Parker, Tod Robbins, and Kristen Stehel